
Belief Statement

At Standard Public School , we believe that: All students can learn equally.

All students can learn. Each student has potentials unique to their cultural, social, emotional and intellectual background and the institution strives to build on their diversity an environment of academic enrichment by introducing advanced methods of teaching.

Considering each student a special individual, their needs are met according to high and international standards of instruction.

Standard Public School holds firm in its belief that students do their best and teaching becomes productive when research is underlined as a criteria for scholarship systematically guided by dedicated and quality teaching. Safety and security are the keywords in Standard Public School campus so that fear and anxiety are kept away from the minds and hearts of every member of the AIS community.

Standard Public School is committed to treat students with dignity and respect so that they may grow with self-esteem and deal positively with their peers, parents and staff.

Standard Public School campus is envisioned to be a sphere of analytical exercise, mature decisions and comprehensive input.

Students will have to own responsibility for their actions accepting corrections when necessary.