

Admission will be valid only if the fee is paid in full by the due date along with the submission of required documents. Payment can be made either by cheque, bank draft, money transfer& cash payment. All payments must be made in the name of STANDARD PUBLIC SCHOOL, Monday tuition fees.

If a cheque is not cleared on whatever ground a penalty of Rs. 50 along with bank charges (if any) on account of bounce cheque will be collected from the concern parents.

When the fee due to the school is not cleared within one month from the date of payment, name of the student will be stick off the rolls of the school and the child whose fees have not been paid will be prevented from attending class and taking examinations. Transfer certificate will not be issued unless all outstanding dues to the school are cleared.
Fees payable is subject to change from time to time. Parents will however be informed of any such change. Fee structure for a particular year is notified in the school notice board.
1. If a parent wishes to withdraw his/her wars from the school, he/she is required to apply in writing one month in advance, for the same failing which full quarter fee would be payable to the school.
2. Transfer certificate will not be issued until all dues of the school are settled.
3. Caution money will have to be claimed within six months of the date of withdrawal of the child from the school. If not claimed in the same academic calendar it shall be credited for development of the school.